
Another Program ETI Units Support

The Tomahawk® Land Attack Missile (TLAM) is a long range, subsonic cruise missile used for deep land attack warfare, launched from U. S. Navy surface ships and U.S. Navy and United Kingdom Royal Navy submarines.

Tomahawk® cruise missiles are designed to fly at extremely low altitudes at high subsonic speeds, and are piloted over an evasive route by several mission tailored guidance systems. The first operational use was in Operation Desert Storm, 1991, with immense success. The missile has since been used successfully in several other conflicts.

ETI's systems are in use supporting this program, including examples below:

Tomahawk US Navy ETI0001-1237
Tomahawk US Navy ETI0001-2250
Tomahawk US Navy ETI0001-2250AB

Tomahawk missiles

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